Order Cancellation & Returns Policies


If any consumer wishes to return any goods received or refuse delivery, or if the order is returned to cherry-lane.co.uk as the delivery address was supplied incorrectly, return carriage charges incurred will be charged to the customer.

If a change to the delivery address is to be made following the despatch of the goods or if a returned order is to be resent a charge will be made.

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Change or cancel an order

We're sorry that in most circumstances it's not possible to make changes to your order once you've placed it.

If you'd like to add products to your order, please place a new order for these items.

If you need to change details of your delivery address, remove items from your order or cancel it completely, please call our Customer Service team on 0343 357 1122, any time between:

8am - 9pm Monday - Friday

8am - 7pm Saturdays and Bank Holidays

9am - 7pm Sundays

(Please refer to your service provider for call charges.)


Please be ready to quote your order number and order date. 

If your order has already been dispatched or delivered, then you'll need to follow our Returns Procedure in the event of any unwanted products. 


If we cannot fulfil your order, we will do our best to contact you as quickly as possible to resolve the issue.  You may choose to continue with the order and wait for delivery into our distribution centre, or you may decide to cancel your order.  If you do cancel an order because of our mistake we will refund the product and delivery charge in full.


If you are unhappy with the products that you purchased from Cherry Lane, you can return your goods within 14 days from receipt of the product for a full refund of the original payment.  It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that the goods are returned in their original condition with the original packaging. 

All returned goods must be sent via a tracked postal/ courier service (this is for your own protection).  The cost of returning the goods to us will be at the expense of the customer.  Cherry Lane Garden Centres will be happy to assist in arranging collection and return of the goods, but the cost of this will be deducted from your refund.


Download Returns Address Label Download Returns Address Label
Download Web Returns Label Download Web Returns Label


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Refunds take 5-7 working days to be credited to your payment card or PayPal account, depending on your card provider. Photographic evidence of damaged goods will be requested prior to any refunds being made.

Returns via a Cherry Lane Garden Centre

Products purchased on line can be returned to any of our Cherry Lane Garden Centres, where our customer service team will be happy to honour our returns policy. 


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